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6 Ways to Stop Thinking You’re Better Than Others

Do you know that one person who constantly needs to show others how they are better than them? Someone who likes to brag and get on everyone else’s nerves.

Oh wait, you’re that person!

How do you stop thinking that you are better than others? Swallow your pride, look deep inside yourself at what makes you constantly have to prove your superiority, and understand how this behavior destroys your relationship with others.

egotistic person 1

If you constantly think you are better than others, you probably suffer from a superiority complex.

superiority complex is a belief that your abilities and achievements are much more significant and better than other people’s.

Isn’t the whole point of modern philosophy to be the best possible version of ourselves?

Or today’s life trends that force us to constantly compete and be better than others?

By constantly thinking that you are better than others, you skillfully cover up your inner insecurities and distance the people around you.

Let’s explain it better in the rest of the text by determining the signs of this behavior.

6 Signs That You Think You’re Better Than Others

You probably don’t even notice it, but superior behavior is highly toxic and makes people feel uncomfortable around you.

What are the specific signs of superior behavior:

1. Deep Belief That You are Better Than Others

Not only do you talk in front of others that you are better than them, but you also think it in yourself.

“I’m better than everyone.”

“I’m more beautiful.”

“I’m more successful, and I have more money.”

These are some of the life mantras that you repeat to yourself.

You live by those rules and don’t hide them from others.

This way of thinking is accompanied by arrogance, pretentiousness, narcissism, and similar traits.

It’s not just a material thing but also a holier-than-thou kind of attitude, according to which a person suffering from a superiority complex thinks he is also spiritually better than everyone.

2. You Constantly Compare Yourself to Others

woman looking at the man in the bar

It is indeed human nature to compare ourselves to others.

But if you suffer from a superiority complex, you take it to a new level.

By constantly comparing yourself to others, you confirm your worth to yourself and in front of others.

You compare everything, from sports skills, to who owns a better car, has a better job, career… Maybe you even compare who is an overall better person.

Success is measured by your standards and criteria.

Interesting that you always somehow choose the worst of others and the best of yourself when you compare.

This comparison is accompanied by exaggerated competitiveness. 

A competitive spirit isn’t necessarily bad as long as it doesn’t completely overwhelm you, which is the case with you.

You’re in a constant race with the others and want to beat them in everything.

3. You Think That You are Privileged and Entitled

These two traits are not necessarily bad.

A positive example is if you consider yourself privileged to be doing a job you love and are happy and grateful for.

But it is negative if you think you are privileged and deserve some things before others.

Even if you have some abilities that set you apart, that doesn’t mean you should disrespect others.

When you go to a restaurant, are you the one who looks for the best table and makes a mess if you don’t get it?

You also think that you are entitled to something.

For example, we can take the case of spoiled children whose parents did not prepare them enough for life.

Busy father giving pocket money to little capricious daughter with headphones

Instead of learning life lessons such as responsibility and gratitude, they were taught that money can buy everything, that they don’t have to work, and so on.

Such children learn from childhood that they can treat everyone however they want and always get what they want.

4. You Need Constant Validation

Constant validation of your successes is something you can’t live without.

If you have a superiority complex, the need for validation will need to come from external sources.

So others will have to constantly praise and admire you while you enjoy all that glory.

People who think they are better than others love to be the center of attention.

They will do anything, even awkward scenes, just to be the center of attention.

How else will they get that precious validation they’re looking for if all the lights aren’t on them all the time.

5. You Have a Need to Reduce The Successes of Others

This is perhaps the ugliest characteristic of a person suffering from a superiority complex.

Someone comes and tells you about one of their achievements. You say: “It’s nothing; listen to what I have achieved.” Or you don’t even comment on their achievements but immediately start bragging about your successes.

Or you have the ugly tactic of asking someone how they are at work, just so you can brag about how you got a raise, how you earn more, how you will become a partner in the company, and so on.

Probably along with your superiority come toxic comments that further diminish the value of other people’s success.

For example, your wife is happy because she’s lost some weight, and you say that it’s not enough and that she needs to lose more weight.

Those comments reflect your disrespect towards others as a consequence of the fact that you think you are better than them.

6. You Can’t Handle Criticism

woman arguing with husband

You can’t take any criticism, even constructive ones.

The thought of how someone worse than you can comment on you who is much better by your standards offends you.

You react to criticism like a spoiled kid, and everything has to be your way.

Criticism often causes sudden mood swings.

In addition to insulting you, criticism throws you out of control.

The need for control goes together with overemphasized superiority.

Did you want to be the captain of your soccer team as a child? As a student, you wanted to be the leader of your class? Now, as an adult, you always shoot for high positions?

This is not only because of ambition but also because of the need to control others.

What are The Consequences of Thinking That You are Better Than Everyone Else?

You may not be aware of it, but you are negatively affecting the people around you with your behavior.

Some consequences may already be happening, and the ultimate effects could be much worse.

The consequences of thinking you are better than everyone else are:

  • Others start to avoid you – no one likes arrogant braggers. Don’t be surprised if your friends invite you to hang out less and less.
  • You hurt people close to you – with your superiority complex, you hurt people who care about you. Just know that they also have a limit. It may sound extreme, but people who behave like you sometimes end up alone.
  • No one takes you seriously anymore – everyone is already used to your constant bragging; they don’t pay attention anymore. And when you achieve some success, no one pays attention to it anymore.
  • You can be very disappointed – Finding out that you are not the best at something can strike you when you are least expecting. The disappointment that follows can be overwhelming.

How Do You Stop Thinking That You Are Better Than Others? 6 Methods

happy friends on the vacation

As we mentioned, the consequences of thinking you are better than everyone else can be huge. 

To avoid that, try the following suggestions:

1. Start to Respect Others

It’s time to stop being arrogant and try being tolerant instead.

Respect others, their opinions, and their feelings

Put yourself in other people’s shoes; your words can hurt them.

Even if they are not as successful at something as you are, do you have to be a constant reminder of that?

Hurting people with your superiority will only drive people away.

2. Identify The Root of That Superiority Complex

What lies beneath all that superiority?

Do you know that superiority has an inferiority complex?

You only hide your flaws by thinking that you are better than others.

Identify the flaws that bother you and start working on them.

3. Realize That There is Always Someone Better Than You

It would be best if you respected your achievements without becoming obsessed with them.

Despite your system of classifying people, there are no universal rules of who is better than who, so don’t make them up.

4. Don’t Confuse Confidence and Ambition With Superiority

Confident people don’t need to praise themselves non-stop and respond well to criticism.

Ambitious people also work hard to achieve their goals and don’t trample others in that process.

While those who think they are better than others react badly to criticism and are ready to do anything to reach their goal.

5. Change The Way You Think

People who like to brag and think they are better than others are often driven only by material things.

If you are such a person, it would be good to understand that not everything important in life is material.

And if you want too much to prove that you are better than others, you are too dependent on other people’s opinions.

Too much dependence on other opinions is a guaranteed path to mental insecurity.

6. Try to Help Others Instead of Disrespecting Them

Two women talking about problems at home

Empathy for others will help you heal from that ego of yours.

“Lift people up, don’t put them down.”

So what if someone is worse than you at something? Maybe he didn’t have the same conditions as you.

Try to help him; we guarantee that you will feel better.

To Conclude

“Ego is the biggest enemy of humans.”

— Rig Veda

Do not allow yourself to fall into the traps of your ego and think that you are better than everyone else. 

So the next time you think of bragging about how you’re better than everyone else, stop and think about the consequences.