“There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers,” does this saying resonate with you?
We are sure you disagree with that saying because the questions can be stupid, and you’re not wrong.
Questions are an essential part of a conversation with another person. By asking questions, we show interest in others and learn new information. Yet questions can also be rude, insensitive, manipulative, offensive, and so on.
Many ask such questions, from rude colleagues at work, nosey neighbors, and random people in public transport, to your closest ones, for example, your parents at a family lunch.
How to deal with people who ask too many questions? The first option is to leave the conversation, especially if it is an irrelevant person. But when the situation is such that you can’t just leave the conversation, you should put it in an acceptable way that the question bothers you, or you should change the topic.

This may seem straightforward, but if you’ve ever been left speechless when someone asked you a stupid question and felt frozen in time but also extremely uncomfortable, this is the right article for you.
In this article, we will better explain how unnecessary questions trigger you and how best to deal with them.
Why Does Being Asked Questions Make You Angry?
Sometimes you wonder if you’re being too dramatic when people ask you stupid questions or if your behavior is justified.
The questions may be random, but they also have a message and a goal.
Questions can carry a hidden message and statement but can also be a trap to manipulate and upset you.
Let’s see some types of questions that must make you extremely angry, and they are:
1. Questions That Invade Your Privacy
Invasion of privacy does not have to be only physical. In fact, it is much more common to be a mental invasion.
You don’t like sharing personal stuff about yourself, and it is entirely justified that you have such an attitude.
But everyone around you is violating the boundaries of privacy by asking rude questions.
2. Questions That Make You Feel Insecure
Those questions that are a direct attack on your authority annoy you.
It can be related to your authority at work, but also authority among friends and even in the family.
You feel a lack of control when unsure about something you are asked.
3. Questions That Put You in The Spotlight
We will assume you were most afraid when the teacher asked you something in front of the class. Imagine saying something stupid, and everyone starts laughing at you.
That fear remained. You are afraid that you will not know the answer to a question or will say something stupid and embarrass yourself in front of everyone.
4. Questions on Topics That are Painful For You
Some topics are painful for you because it makes you highly offended to be questioned about certain things.
Or you want to avoid them because you know there will be a disagreement with the interlocutor.
Who Exactly is Asking You The Questions That Bother You?
A person who asks too many questions is called inquisitive. Who is that person in your life?
Examples of such behavior are everywhere, but there are no exact limits on the questions a specific person in your life will ask you. Here are some examples:
Rude Colleagues at Work
What better place to ask stupid and rude questions than at work?
Think about it: a specific group of people must spend time together and contribute to some common goal. Of course, different interpretations of boundaries will occur in that atmosphere.
For you, for example, mixing your private life with your business life is unthinkable, but not everyone thinks so. People love to overshare things from their lives.
Whether it’s their way of connecting with others, you don’t care, you just want to do your job and have that be the only topic of the conversation while you’re working.
You don’t like sharing things about yourself, but your colleagues don’t get it, and that’s why they always unpleasantly surprise you with stupid questions, which usually border on gossip.
Because you won’t participate in these gossip sessions, you’re probably not particularly popular with your coworkers.
Unpleasant questions can lead to discrimination before you even start working when applying for a job. In this case, the potential employer does not stick to inquiries about your work background but moves on to more personal questions and may even ask you about controversial topics and your opinion.
Nosy Neighbors
Even though neighbors are people who just happen to live next to us, and we don’t have to be connected either privately or professionally, they somehow often know how to bother us with questions.
There are examples of people even moving out because of annoying neighbors, and if you have one such neighbor from hell, you know what it looks like.
You go out into your backyard to chill, and there’s your neighbor, who can’t wait to start a conversation with you. Ok, you can handle a little small talk, but those questions from your neighbor quickly cross that line.
Casual small talk quickly turns into a story about how much you earn, how you managed to make so much, where you got the money for a new car and similar topics that are none of his business.
At the end of a conversation like this, you wonder how to completely ignore the jealous neighbor.
Family and Friends
Hey, family and friends have a right to know things about you, right? Of course, but there must also be some boundaries.
But those boundaries are often not respected and disturbed precisely because the people close to you ask too much.
Example 1:
You went out for a drink with friends.
Your friends put you in the spotlight with uncomfortable questions about your life, work, intimacy, and whatnot.
They may also ask you questions about controversial topics because they know your opinion is opposite to theirs, so they can correct you or force their opinion on you.
Such questions can also lead to the breaking of friendships. Ok, friends should talk about everything, but as long as they feel comfortable and not pressured by uncomfortable questions.
Because of such burning questions, conspiracy theories, and different views on life (especially on controversial topics), you probably don’t want to hang out with your friends anymore.
Example 2:
You are having lunch with your parents and relatives.
Even though this is supposed to be a safe place, you don’t feel safe.
Your parents may disagree with your life choices, such as career, choice of partner, or moving to another country. Because of this, the Sunday lunch turns into a heated argument. You know that they don’t agree with some matters, but do they have to question you constantly?
You experience their behavior as an attempt by your parents to control you too much and to interfere in your life and decisions.
4 Best Ways To Deal With The People Who Ask Too Many Questions
Why bother getting upset over stupid questions when you can put up a shield and deflect them. Here’s how to do it:
1. You Don’t Have to Answer Questions You Don’t Want to
Simple as that. You are under no obligation to answer questions that cross borders.
If you feel threatened and offended, you can leave the conversation.
Some questions do not deserve an answer.
2. Use Direct but Polite Language
Sometimes we can’t just escape some conversations. Imagine a scene where you quit your job and go home because of some stupid question at work.
Therefore, when you are asked a question like this, let it be known directly and politely that you will not answer that question. Here’s how you can answer:
- “Please don’t ask me private questions; thank you.”
- “I prefer not to discuss this.”
- “I don’t want to talk about topics in the workplace.”
If the interlocutor is more aggressive and rude and asks you about controversial topics, you can answer like this:
- “That’s none of your business.”
- “My personal life is none of your concern.”
- “That topic is offensive to me, and I don’t want to talk about that.”
3. Change The Flow of the Conversation
Sometimes you have to use these tricks with some people.
In addition to the classic distraction, where you completely change the topic of the conversation, you can answer the questions of your interlocutor with questions.
The best question you can ask someone who is bothering you with questions is, “Why do you want to know that?”
4. Recognize Harmful Questions
Not all questions are harmful, manipulative, toxic, and similar.
Don’t let such questions make you negative about the typical questions that others ask you.
Some questions are justified and expected. Distinguish them from those that are unnecessary.
In Conclusion – There Are Stupid Questions
There are indeed stupid answers to specific questions, but the questions themselves can be absurd.
Do not allow others to throw you off balance with unpleasant and unnecessary questions and destroy your mood.
With these tips, you can raise a shield that will protect you from stupid questions.
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