Your room, your rules, we respect that.
You have the absolute right to decorate that piece of living space that is only yours the way you want. The point is to make it comfortable for you. Your room should respond to your wishes and lifestyle.
But what happens when your room becomes a place of discomfort instead of peace. No matter what you do, the mess is always there.
There are always piles of clothes, cables, trash, and boxes full of everything. All of that always somehow finds its way to your room.

External clutter is almost always an indication of internal clutter. A messy room is a warning sign. A bigger problem of psychological nature is hiding under that mess.
A messy house or, in this case, a messy room can signify serious mental health disorders such as major depressive disorder, anxiety, OCD, substance abuse…
A disorder that is usually associated with the mess is hoarding. We’re not saying you’re a hoarder, and we’re just pointing out some more extreme examples of people attached to their clutter.

Do you want to get out of the vicious circle of chaos? Find out what problem is bothering you and hide it with clutter?
In this article, by identifying the problem, we will try to advise you on how to develop habits that will help you escape the vicious circle of a messy room.
Having a habit of delaying decisions or discomfort
The clutter is often a matter of delayed decisions and delayed actions.
Maybe it seems to you that it is impossible to sort out all the accumulated mess. The very thought of the process of tidying up bothers you, and that’s why you keep leaving the room tidying up.
Procrastination may be part of your mentality. You are not only delaying room cleaning but also other obligations in life. All those obligations pile up, and then they overwhelm you.
Cleaning up the room is easy? Yes, but for someone depressed, cleaning up his room feels like climbing Mount Everest.
Attempting to hold on to or live in the past
Your room is full of nostalgia. You are afraid to get rid of all those little artifacts from the past. All these are precious memories for you that remind you of the beautiful past.
For these reasons, you keep everything from the past because if you get rid of them, you are afraid you will lose all your memories.
The past was beautiful, but let’s not suffocate us in the form of a nostalgic mess. If you stay in the past, you consciously block your future.
You haven’t developed essential organizational habits
If your parents have always had clutter problems, they may have this behavior pattern passed on to you.
You adopted the belief that organization is unattainable because you saw it all the time while growing up and that the mess is inevitable.
Even the opposite example is possible. When parents want to punish their children, they say: “Go clean your room”. You may experience cleaning the space as a punishment, and out of protest against your parents, you do not do it.
Using the mess as a shield or comfort nest

We’re not saying you shouldn’t surround yourself with things that make you happy. The point is to have things around you that mean something to you, which is fine.
What is not good is when these things turn into a shield that protects you from real problems. Instead of facing them, you run to your safe place, your room, and your mess.
If you are struggling with something, you may tend to clutter your life with a mess so that you don’t think about that big problem that is bothering you.
Feeling your room with a mess is just a strategy to avoid addressing the reel issues in your life that could be hard and painful to handle.
Fear of lack
There is a saying: You never know when you will need something. You believe in this saying, so you don’t throw anything away, and you are holding onto every little thing that comes into your life.
Maybe you experienced the lack of something in your life, and you remember that feeling well. Or perhaps you have a fear that it will happen in the future.
You are a collector
Having a collection of any kind is not bad. It is related to your hobbies and interests.
Collecting in itself is not a mental illness; hoarding is. However, when collecting messes up your life, takes up too much space, and gives you restlessness instead of enjoyment, it is a sign that it may have gone too far.

What are the solutions for eliminating the mess permanently?
Since you have figured out why you have so much mess in your room, it is time to do something about it.
Start with small steps because even a tiny change will mean a lot in the long run.
Garbage and waste are the first to be thrown out. After that, you can proceed to detailed cleaning, vacuuming, dusting, cleaning the floor, everything that is needed. Be sure to change the sheets because nothing beats the smell of fresh sheets.
After that, sort things according to how important they are to you and how often you use them.
Get rid of things that don’t belong in your room, such as tools. There are other rooms in the house for that.
Don’t let things pile up. Clothes belong in the closet, not on the bed and chair.
Nostalgic and emotional stuff can get a part of the room that will be dedicated only to them.
Once you’ve put everything in order, your main goal should be to ensure the mess doesn’t happen again. The best way to avoid clutter is to put everything in its place and not allow stuff to pile up.
As you can see,
Everything is connected. Outer order creates an inner calm, and inner peace enables you to have external order.
Try to implement these tips and solve that mess that has been bothering you for so long because clutter has no place in your room.
Your room is a place where you will enjoy and feel peaceful. You will feel much better and more fulfilled when you eliminate clutter and adopt prevention habits.