Day lilies are dependable perennials that offer a stunning display of blooms from July through early August.
Some varieties even start flowering earlier or continue to bloom late into summer, such as Stella D’Oro, Happy Returns, and Scarlet Orbit.
Their name comes from their habit of producing fresh blooms each day, with each flower lasting just a single day.
Maintaining Day Lilies After Blooming
Once the blooming period ends, the foliage can sometimes look a bit untidy. However, you can easily manage this and keep your day lilies looking neat.
Start by removing any dead leaves from the base of the plant. Deadhead any spent blooms to make space for new ones.
If your day lilies are re-bloomers, wait until after their second blooming period to cut back the foliage, as new buds may be forming.
For non-re-blooming varieties, trim the foliage in late summer or early autumn to make way for fresh growth.
How to Trim Day Lilies
After your day lilies finish blooming, you have three main options:
- Let the Foliage Fade Naturally: Cut it back in late autumn when you’re preparing your garden for winter.
- Leave Until Spring: Allow the foliage to fade and then clean it up during your spring garden cleanup.
- Cut Back Early: Trim the foliage to about two or three inches above the soil to stimulate new growth, keeping the plant looking tidy.
To trim day lilies, you can use large garden shears or hand pruners. A weed whacker is an option, but it might leave an uneven edge.
Start by removing any dead or dried leaves to expose the base of the plant. Gather the foliage if using pruners, or use shears to cut close to the ground if the plant is large, trimming in sections if needed.
Other Tips for Day Lily Care
After trimming, your day lilies will soon produce a fresh crown of foliage. In a few days, new growth will appear, and the plant will be fully green again within about three weeks.
Clean up any dried debris at the base and refresh mulch if necessary.
If your day lily plant has become too large, it’s a good time to dig up and divide it. Replant the new divisions, and they will continue to grow and bring fresh green clumps to your fall garden.
Water the new divisions as needed and consider adding a layer of compost or manure for extra nutrients before winter.
Keeping day lilies looking their best involves simple maintenance practices. Whether you’re deadheading, trimming, or dividing, these steps will help ensure your day lilies continue to thrive and enhance your garden throughout the seasons.