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Here’s Why Some Gardeners Are Hanging Pine Cones Near Their Garden

Have you seen anyone near your garden with pine cones?

If yes, there’s a reason some people hang pine cones upside down, and it’s all about the weather.

Gardening can be tough in the South, so if there’s any benefit to a successful garden, most folks will try it.


Pine cones respond to weather conditions and moisture levels, so they can inform you as a gardener about what to expect as you care for your plants.

A pine cone opens when the air is dry. This simple behavior can alert a gardener to the need for watering in the upcoming days before it’s too late.

Now, when the air is moist or humid, the pine cone will tend to close its scales to protect its seeds.

When the pine cone starts to close, it could indicate that rain is possible and that watering is not necessary.

I want to emphasize that a pine cone should not replace a Doppler radar, but it’s a tool you can use to your advantage when gardening.

If you observe that the pine cone you hung near your garden is opening and closing frequently, it’s usually a sign that the weather will be unpredictable in the upcoming days.

On the other hand, if the pine cone scales stay in one position for a few days, it’s usually a sign that the weather will be stable in the upcoming days.

We’ve talked a lot about pineapples being hung by some, but now it’s time to discuss the pine cone. If you’re serious about your gardening skills, you might want to consider this method.