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Get Your Snake Plant To Show Off Impressive Blooms With These Tips

With its striking, sword-like leaves and well-known air-purifying qualities, the snake plant (Dracaena trifasciata, formerly Sansevieria) has become a favorite among plant lovers.

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What really intrigues gardeners, though, is its rare ability to flower, usually about once a year in the spring if it has the right genetics.

For example, the ‘Hahnii’ variety rarely blooms. Generally, only mature snake plants will flower when they have the right conditions.

However, getting these small and fragrant flowers takes some effort. While all plants need enough sunlight to bloom, snake plants need the right balance of light and stressful growth conditions.

Watering the succulent sparingly and keeping the soil dry is key. Letting the plant become a bit root-bound can also help it bloom, as the crowded roots trigger its survival mechanism.

Creating the perfect blooming environment

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Since flowering uses a lot of energy, move your snake plant from shady spots to areas with more light, like east-facing windowsills.

Indirect sunlight works best, but 3 to 4 hours of direct sun can do the job.

Make sure the changes in light and temperature are gradual to avoid shocking the plant.

Move your snake plant outside when temperatures stay above 50 degrees Fahrenheit for even better results.

Another way to encourage flowering is to water only when the soil is completely dry. This usually means about two watering sessions per month in the summer, with less frequent watering during cooler months.

Keeping the plant root-bound, where the roots have no more room to grow, can also help it bloom. Repot the plant into a larger pot every 5 to 7 years instead of 3 to 4 years.

Also, fertilize your plant with a half-strength dose every four to six weeks, as a well-nourished plant is more likely to bloom.

How a snake plant blooms

Like many succulents, the snake plant’s rhizome sends a flower stalk through the plant’s rosette.

This spike can grow up to three feet tall and is lined with clusters of green buds. These buds open in two to four weeks into delicate flowers with thin petals, looking like small lilies or honeysuckles.

Some snake plants might grow flowers at their base instead of on a stalk.

Snake plants bloom at night, and the flowers last two to four weeks before producing berries and wilting.

Flower colors vary, with Dracaena trifasciata producing greenish-white flowers, while others may have yellow or lavender blooms.

Once the flowers fade, trim the flower spike down to the base, as it won’t rebloom from the same stalk. The plant will send a new stalk the next time it’s ready to flower, allowing it to focus its energy on growing new leaves.