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Follow This Recipe With Epsom Salt to Deter Aphids From Your Garden

Despite their small size, aphids are some of the most destructive garden pests.

They feed off of liquid inside plant tissue, slowly removing the nutrients and destroying the plant.

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Fortunately, there is a simple and easily accessible way to ensure that your garden is safe from these invasive pests.

Aphids are easily deterred by Epsom salt, a common item that you likely already have on a shelf in your pantry. When combined with soap and water, it makes the perfect aphid do-it-yourself repellent.

Aphids are small, pear-shaped insects drawn to plants’ nectar.

In fact, aphids eat only the sugary liquid from stems, leaves, and roots, making groups of these tiny bugs a huge problem.

But if a gardener notices the signs of an aphid invasion early on, creating and using an Epsom salt spray could be the difference between a thriving garden and a nonexistent one.

Adding Epsom salt to your yard

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Unlike other do-it-yourself pest deterrents, this method involves more than surrounding the base of your plant with a ring of Epsom salt.

However, it is nearly as quick and extremely accessible. To start, gather your materials. You will need liquid soap, water, a spray bottle, and Epsom salt.

Thoroughly mix together 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt, 2 teaspoons of liquid soap, and 1 gallon of water before pouring your mixture into a spray bottle.

Secure the bottle’s lid and shake it well until the contents are evenly distributed.

Once your solution is prepared, it’s time to integrate it into your garden and regain control of your plants.

Apply a coat generously and evenly on the leaves and stems of every plant affected.

The solution will repel aphids, be safe for your plants, and deter other unwanted pests.

Why it works

Despite only being made of three simple ingredients, your new anti-aphid solution spray eliminates plant lice in numerous ways.

Most of the solution is water, capable of rinsing small pests like aphids off of plants on its own.

However, the remaining solution can take over for the stubborn aphids that stick around.

Liquid soap is often used in do-it-yourself pest deterrents because it does not harm the plants and helps to ensure your solution sticks onto the plants to allow the Epsom salt to take effect.

Water and soap are important to this hack, but Epsom salt is the star of the show and the main ingredient that individualizes this solution to target aphids specifically.

Epsom salt solution kills aphids on contact and repels other aphids from visiting. Epsom salt includes magnesium sulfate, which provides plants with vital nutrients while directly attacking insects.